Google Images best alternative — Naver Images API

Alaa Abdulridha
4 min readFeb 21, 2022
Naver Images API

Today we will talk about the Naver Images API, it might be one of the best alternatives for Google Images API

As we know, the Naver engine handles 74.7% of all web searches in South Korea which might be the same number for Images API in Naver.

Naver developers put a huge effort in developing and improving their engines including the Images API itself, as we worked on scrapping their engine we suffered from the continuous updates and improvements on their engine, we have to keep updated as well to maintain the uptime of our service.

As mentioned above recently we added the Naver Images API to our supported engines.SerpAPI is the first company in the world that supports Naver Images API as a separated fully supported engine.First, you can read our documentation about Naver Images API

The documentation contains general information such as the parameters and the output keys.


Now we will go to the Playground on SerpAPI website to test the engine

We will search for coffee and check out the result:

1. We select the engine from the top left.
2. We select the search type using where parameter.
3. We enter the search query we want.

This will be the result with rich JSON. In the JSON there are very useful keys, we can get into some of them:

  • total_results this key represents the total amount of the results found for your search query.
  • images_results this key represents the results per image.
  • prettify_html_file this is the HTML file as it appears in the screenshot above on the left.
  • naver_url this is the actual Naver search engine link for the query you made.
  • json_endpoint this is the most important and as in the rest of SerpAPI engines, it's the JSON output file URL.

Let’s not miss the Pagination parameters, in SerpAPI we support most of Naver’s Search engine parameters, and it’s not limited to pagination, let’s put the spotlights here on the pagination. as you can see in the screenshot above, we support three parameters for Naver Images API.

  • start Parameter controls the offset of the organic results. More info...
  • page The page parameter does the start parameter math for you! Just define the page number you want. Pagination starts from 1.
  • num Parameter defines the maximum number of results to return. 50 (default) returns 50 results. Maximum number of results to return is 100. Parameter can only be used with Naver Images API.

You will find the start and num parameters in the actual Naver engine, but you won't find page parameter, this parameter is provided by SerpAPI and you won't find it anywhere else, the page parameter can make the developers who use SerpAPI shortcut a lot of work on their automated tools and SEO tools.

All the pagination parameters are Optional to use and not required, of course, you can read more detailed documentation about Naver Search engine parameters directly on our documentation page.

Finally, by the numbers and how easy to use it, and the information it provides. We can say Naver Images API is the biggest and best alternative to Google Images API. If you use Google Images API, then I highly recommend you to test Naver Images API on SerpAPI.


We will continue together discovering the Naver search engine with SerpApi.

Don’t miss our other Naver blog posts:

Scrape Naver video results with SerpApiSerpApi’s Naver search API

